How Holistic Herbs Help In Your Weight Loss Journey

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How can holistic herbs help in your weight loss journey?

Is it even possible that herbs can be used to lose weight?

If you are seeking answers to the above questions, then you might want to continue reading this article.

We all know that maintaining a healthy weight is as good as maintaining a healthy diet. However, this doesn’t mean that people with a healthy diet don’t gain weight. After all, gaining or losing weight, or maintaining a healthy weight all depends on an individual’s metabolic rate.

Some people tend to metabolize at a faster rate, while others metabolize much slowly. But irrespective of the group you belong to, this article will introduce you to holistic herbs that can increase your metabolic rate and cause you to lose weight.



Before humans began using synthetic drugs, herbs have been in existence for thousands of years. Traditionally, herbs are known for their healing properties and it is potentially the oldest form of medicine that is still in practice today.

Holistic herbs, on their own, are essentially effective in weight loss. Some of the herbs tend to boost one’s metabolic rate and this is very important for weight loss. Without any hesitation, we will be talking about some important holistic herbs that can help you in your weight loss journey and they include:


 You might be wondering what cayenne has to do with weight loss. But as you will soon see, cayenne is an important holistic herb that should not be ignored.

Cayenne is one of the most effective spicy herbs that is currently used for weight loss. It is known for its properties that can usually increase one’s metabolic rate. And this is mostly thanks to a chemical compound in cayenne called capsaicin.

Now we are all familiar with that burning sensation that comes from consuming this herb. Well, capsaicin is the cause of that important sensation because it is also a signal that excess calories are being burnt.

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Not only that, but capsaicin also has some other health benefits such as killing prostate cancer cells, relieving pains, and decreasing insulin spikes in diabetes.

And the best part, this herb works magically when combined with other metabolic boosters. To reap its full weight loss benefits, all you need to do is add cayenne spicy to your diet, sit back, and let the magic work.


 There are many sites that tout the superior benefits of green tea and they are not wrong.

Green tea is another holistic herb that can be very helpful in your weight loss journey. Aside from increasing one’s metabolic rate, which is instrumental in losing weight, green tea is also rich in antioxidants. Which has a positive effect on a person’s health.

Tea usually contains a compound known as catechins and the main catechins present in green tea is Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This EGCG is known for its stimulant properties and also increases our body’s metabolic rate which speeds up weight loss.

In addition, EGCG has some other health benefits such as its ability to reduce stress, inflammation, and blood pressure. It also improves neurological cell function and thus prevents degenerative brain diseases.

With all of the properties touted above, there is no reason you should not include green tea in your diet. Besides the fact that it will cause you no harm whatsoever, a daily intake of green tea will have you reaping all of its many health benefits. So don’t hesitate to drink up.


 This might seem surprising but for those who are already aware of the benefits of proteins, it is not. Including foods rich in protein in your everyday diet plays an important role in boosting your metabolic rate. And once your metabolic rate is boosted, it becomes much easier for you to burn more calories which is important for weight loss.

Other important benefits of protein to your health include building strong bones and muscles, and tissue repairs. Eating foods rich in protein also helps to keep you from overeating because one tends to be fuller when eating.

Protein foods that can aid in weight loss include eggs, salmon fish, beans (black and lima beans), Chinese cabbage, Greek yogurt, yellow corn, broccoli, chicken breast, oats,  to mention a few. Thus, this should embolden you to stock up on proteins if you are serious about losing weight.


And we have come to the end of this article about using holistic herbs to lose weight. In this article, we have looked at some holistic herbs and how they can help you in your weight loss journey. Feel free to include them in your weight loss plan and hopefully they help you achieve your dream size.

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BeYAH Fitness
BeYAH Fitness was born out of a desire to reach, educate and inspire a greater number of people than those we coached and worked within our own local community. It gives us the chance to connect with individuals from all over the world and in a form that still personalizes the approach to bring each person what they need for their nutrition at that point in time.
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