4 Important Facts About Cervical Cancer You May Not Know

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Cervical cancer is one of the common cancers that affect women. It starts in the cervix around the cervix’s surface. Sometimes back, cervical cancer was one of the leading causes of death among American Women. In this article, you will learn some important facts about cervical cancer and how you can prevent it. 

The cervix is a hollow cylinder that links the lower part of your uterus to your vagina. It serves as the doorway to the uterus through which sperm travels to fertilize eggs. And if you aren’t pregnant, the cervix prevents unhealthy things like tampons and bath water from entering your body. 

Unlike in the past, the death rates from cervical cancer are reducing drastically. That’s because most women know about the danger of this cancer, and they are observing all health protocols to prevent it. 

But if you still don’t know much about cervical cancer, here are some important facts you should know about it; 

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#1. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Is a Common Cause of Cervical Cancer  

According to health experts, HPV is one of the common causes of cancer. It’s a sexually transmitted infection. It seems harmless and often goes away itself. But some strains of HPV cause cervical cancer or genital warts. 

Over 99 percent of cervical cancer cases are linked to HPV. So, one of the facts about cervical cancer is that HPV is a common cause.

#2. Cervical Cancer is Preventable 

As strange as this may sound, cervical cancer is preventable. Overtimes, there have been many vaccines to prevent different strains of HPV(a common cause of cancer). 

For instance, the Food and Drugs Administration of the United States approved three HPV vaccines which are; 


  • The Gardasil approved in 2006 was developed to prevent women from HPV 16 and HPV 18. 
  • The Cervarix was approved in 2009, developed by GlaxoSmithKline for the prevention of cervical pre-cancers and cervical cancers linked with oncogenic HPV 16 and 18. The vaccine is for girls and young women between the age of 10 -25. 
  • The Gardasil 9 was approved in 2014, a vaccine that proved to be 97% effective in preventing cervical, vagina, and vulvar cancer. It’s also effective for preventing a high-risk strain of HPV. So, it’s recommended for young men and women between the age of 9 to 25 years. 

#3. Women of 21 Years Old and Above Should Get Regular Screening 

This is one of the facts about cervical cancer most women don’t take seriously. You have to go for regular screening and examination. It’s easier to manage cervical cancer when detected at its early stage. 

#4. Cervical Cancer Seldom Gives Symptoms

Cervical cancer hardly gives symptoms. And that makes it more dangerous. Of course, it may make you bleed. But women experience irregular menstruation every now and then. So, they may not even know that it’s something unusual. 

Again, cervical cancer doesn’t make you feel any pain or any other unusual symptoms. That’s why it’s essential to always go for medical screening and examinations. 

Actions You Can Take to Prevent Cervical Cancer 

Here are some tips to make you less vulnerable to cervical cancer; 


  • Avoid having too many sex partners; it will reduce your risk of contracting HPV. 
  • Try to avoid early sex; ensure that you are in your late teen or older before you start having sex. 
  • Use dental dam and condoms to practice safe sex. 
  • Never have sex with people who are notorious for having multiple sex partners. 
  • Avoid having sex with people who are showing symptoms of genital warts and other infections. 
  • Stop smoking 


Now you know some of the important facts about cervical cancer. So, try to talk to your health care provider about cervical cancer and possibly schedule a screening. Like I said earlier, early detection of cervical cancer makes it easier to manage. 


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Beatrice Sargin
Beatrice Sargin
Beatrice Sargin is a dancer/choreographer, health and nutrition blogger, and a graduate Microbiologist who is passionate about good nutrition and holistic wellbeing. She's a certified Holistic Nutritionist, Healthy Eating for Weight loss Expert, and Personal Trainer. With her knowledge in these fields, she intends to improve the health of all those who care about their health by helping them work hand in hand to achieve their dream body, health, and lifestyle goals.
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