Covid-19: Protecting Your Mental Health During The Lockdown

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In a bid to handle an unprecedented outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of countries have adopted a lockdown order to protect their citizens. With the uncertainty and implications that come with both the outbreak of the disease and the lockdown, it is important that you learn how to look after your mental health during the lockdown.

The lockdown means that you have a lot of time on your hands with very little activity to distract your mind from going into the deep end. Here are some tips on how to look after your mental health during the lockdown:

Set a routine

We don’t have anywhere to go, so that means our previous routine will not work any longer for us. The temptation to wake up and live each day without a purpose will be there, but that’s a sure way to push yourself over that incline. Set a routine and stick to it. Wake at the same hour every day, prepare activities for your day, and sleep so your day has a semblance of order and certainty in this uncertain period.

Take a breather outside

For at least 10 minutes each day, come outside, take fresh breaths, feel the sun on your face. You can use your balcony if you don’t have a backyard.

Get dressed

We know you don’t have anywhere to be, but don’t lounge around your house in your bedwear. Wear your day clothes and give yourself the illusion of a fulfilled day.

Practice self-care

You know the basic self-care tips, eat well, sleep well, and stay hydrated. The lockdown is not an excuse for you to binge on junk food or to skip eating meals altogether. Eat the right foods, drink a lot of water, ensure your rooms are well-ventilated, and get loads of sleep.

Be productive

Do something with your free time or just distract yourself. Send in that application. Learn a new skill. Wash your clothes. Cook. Bake. Dance. Any activity is fine, as long as you’re not on your bed doing nothing.

READ ALSO: 7 Best Foods To Help You Cope With Stress

Exercise if you can

Getting some exercises done, when you don’t feel like it, is easier said than done. According to Harvard Health, a little bit of movement will improve your mood and improve your mental well-being. The exercises don’t have to be anything complex – you can try aerobics, light cardio, or even yoga to get your blood pumping.

Journal through your experience

Nothing puts your thoughts and emotions into a better perspective like journaling. Let go of your distress, fears, anxiety, worries, and uncertainty by writing them down. In addition to the relief you will feel after, it will also distract you from focusing on things beyond your control.

Set up your support community

Get a community of friends, family, acquaintances to check up on regularly, and vice versa, either online or by calls. That way, you would be providing support for other people who need help or reaching out to people you can help you improve your mental health.

Be kind to yourself

This is probably the most important tip to improve your mental health during this lockdown. Remind yourself that this is uncharted territory, nobody has a clue on how to handle it. Be kind to yourself, if you’re not handling it well. If you’re not as productive as you want to, that’s okay. If you don’t feel like doing anything, that’s okay as well. Recognize when your body is telling you to take a break and focus on the positives.

You’ll get through this alright, remember that everyone is working hard to bring an end to the pandemic. Find out more on what you need to do to protect yourself during this pandemic here.

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BeYAH Fitness
BeYAH Fitness was born out of a desire to reach, educate and inspire a greater number of people than those we coached and worked within our own local community. It gives us the chance to connect with individuals from all over the world and in a form that still personalizes the approach to bring each person what they need for their nutrition at that point in time.
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