August 31, 2020

How To Stay Hydrated In The Scorching Heat

The months of August and September means that most countries around the world are experiencing a sweltering heatwave. Most people are getting a first-hand experience of how easy it is to become dehydrated from the scorching heat. The human body weight consists of 60% water, which means that water drives almost all biological and biochemical processes in the body, including joint lubrication, blood pressure optimization, body temperature regulation, excretion, and digestion.  It is, therefore, essential to stay hydrated for overall well-being and good health.
August 31, 2020

7 Simple Tips To Better Manage Stomach Ulcer

Stomach ulcers are hardly ever life-threatening. However, that does not mean you should discount the severity of a painful sore in the stomach or any other symptom associated with the illness. If you don’t manage or treat stomach ulcers, they can lead to further complications. Use these tips to manage stomach ulcer, and it’s symptoms.
August 30, 2020

Stomach Ulcer: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Stomach ulcers, also known as gastric ulcers, are a type of peptic ulcer disease that causes painful sores in the lining of the stomach. They occur when the thick layer of mucus protecting your stomach from harsh digestive acids reduces. As a result, the digestive acids destroy the tissues of the stomach lining, causing ulcer sores. Without proper treatment, stomach ulcers can become a severe threat to good health and healthy living.
August 30, 2020

Top 7 Foods That Mess Up Your Digestive System

Some foods are easier for the digestive system to breakdown than others, especially if you are intolerant to a particular food or have a digestive disorder like acid reflux, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and diarrhea. This explains why you feel bloated, gassy, constipated, or experience heartburn after eating certain foods.
August 2, 2020

56 Different Names For Sugar You Should Know

Excessive consumption of sugar can lead to many harmful results. As a result, food labels indicate the presence of sugar and its daily value percentage to help consumers avoid excessive sugar consumption. However, there are so many different names for sugar, how can you make informed choices? Here are the fifty-six different names for sugar that you should note.
August 1, 2020

11 Foods You Should Resist But Can’t Stop Eating

We all know someone that has tried to eat a clean diet but keeps falling back to foods they should resist. Heck, we've all been that person at one time. Even though you are aware of the potential health risks of eating these foods, you still crave processed sugars, fat, carbs even when we know we should stay away.
July 31, 2020

Best Exercises To Loosen Your Joints

Exercises that loosen your joints are important, especially if you suffer from joint pains, arthritis, or rheumatism. Stiff joints can make life difficult and painful. However, these exercises will loosen your joints and keep them limber and flexible.
July 30, 2020

7 Ways To Have Fun While Exercising

Sometimes, you don’t even feel like exercising. If you had ever lost motivation for your workouts before you even started, you’d understand. We all need that extra push sometimes, so here are seven ways to have fun while exercising.
July 29, 2020

7 Signs That You Are Addicted To Sugar

Too much sugar can cause problems in the body like insomnia and weight gain. Here's how to understand the signs that you're starting to get addicted to sugar.
July 28, 2020

How To Start Clean Eating For A Better Health

Clean eating is an approach to living well and optimizing your health through your diet. It is becoming a popular approach to living healthy. The pattern behind clean eating is to try as much as possible to pick fresh, whole foods that are close to their natural forms. People are already taking a shift towards eating clean and enjoying the many benefits that come with it. Here is how you can be part of them too.
January 30, 2023

The Benefits of Plant-Based Diets for Optimal Health

A plant-based diet has numerous health benefits, including improved heart health, reduced risk of chronic diseases, weight loss, improved gut health, & reduced environmental impact. With a focus on whole, unprocessed plant foods, you can lower your risk of disease, improve wellness, & achieve a healthy weight.
February 1, 2023

The Importance of Gut Health and Probiotics for Overall Wellness

The gut and the immune system are closely connected. A healthy gut can help to prevent the overactive immune response that leads to autoimmune diseases. Learn more about the Importance of gut health and probiotics for overall wellness.
February 2, 2023

The Role of Whole Food Nutrition in Reducing Chronic Disease

Whole food nutrition is essential for reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving overall health & wellness. Whole foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, & nutrients, regulate blood sugar, aid weight management, reduce inflammation, & improve mental health. Reap the benefits of real food.
February 3, 2023

The Impact Of Stress On The Body And How To Manage It Through Nutrition

Stress has become an inescapable part of modern life, and it's important to learn how to manage stress through proper nutrition for longevity. By incorporating stress-management techniques into your daily routine, such as exercise, mindfulness, and good nutrition, you can improve your physical and mental well-being and reduce the risk of stress-related health problems.
February 6, 2023

Discovering the Art of Mindful and Intuitive Eating

Learn about the benefits of mindful and intuitive eating and how incorporating these practices into your daily routine can improve your physical and mental health, reduce stress, and increase satisfaction with food. Say goodbye to diet culture and embrace the power of listening to your body's natural hunger and fullness signals.
February 7, 2023

The Dangers Of Fad Diets And The Importance Of Sustainable Nutrition

Fad diets have been a popular topic in the world of nutrition for many years. Sustainable nutrition is not about dieting or restriction, but about making healthy choices that you can maintain for the long term. By focusing on the quality of the food you eat and finding a balance that works for you, you can improve your physical and mental health, and live a happier and more fulfilling life.
March 18, 2023

The Impact of Sugar and Processed Foods on The Body

Do you know the impact of sugar and processed foods on the body? Sugar and processed foods have become a staple in many diets, but their impact on our bodies can be significant. Find out all to learn on this topic in this blog, it contains medical research journals as well to enlighten you more on the topic.
March 18, 2023

The Benefits of Fermented Foods and Their Impact on Gut Health

Fermentation is only possible thanks to probiotic bacteria, scientists believe these foods have potential benefits for health. Fermented foods are gaining popularity due to their potential health benefits, particularly for gut health. Fermentation is a natural process that involves bacteria breaking down sugars in food, producing beneficial compounds like probiotics, enzymes, and vitamins. We will be discussing the benefits of fermented foods and their impact on gut health in this article.
April 8, 2023

The Importance of Staying Hydrated for Optimal Health

Staying hydrated is vital for optimal health. It regulates temperature, improves digestion, prevents overeating, and even supports cognitive function. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and pay attention to your body's signals of dehydration.
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